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DELME → Secondary Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE) Program

Secondary Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE) Program


The Secondary SLIFE program of the Montgomery County Public Schools is designed to meet the linguistic and academic needs of emergent multilingual learners who have had significantly limited or interrupted formal education before enrolling in school in the United States. Students enrolled in the Secondary SLIFE program receive instruction in developing English language proficiency and basic literacy and academic skills. Students also receive instruction and support to facilitate adjustment to both the academic and social school environment. The purpose of the Secondary SLIFE program is to develop English language proficiency and literacy while providing the instruction and support with academics that will help narrow students' educational gaps and facilitate articulation to non-Secondary SLIFE classes.

Identification and Placement of Secondary SLIFE-Eligible Students

Students may be referred to the Secondary SLIFE program by International Admissions and Enrollment, school staff, or a parent or family member.

Students are eligible to attend the Secondary SLIFE program when they meet all of the following criteria:

  • They score at level 1 or 2 on the WIDA Screener Placement Test
  • They have had a minimum of two years of a schooling gap
  • Their age is appropriate for at least Grade 6 placement
  • They function at two or more years below grade level in Math and/or Reading (in the student’s home language)
  • Once students are identified as eligible for Secondary SLIFE services, they are assigned to a Secondary SLIFE site.

Secondary SLIFE Sites

Currently there are Secondary SLIFE sites at the following schools:

Middle Schools High Schools
Eastern MS
Gaithersburg MS
A. Mario Loiederman MS
Montgomery Village MS
Neelsville MS
Takoma Park MS
Julius West MS
White Oak MS
Sligo MS
Wood MS
Bethesda Chevy Chase HS
Montgomery Blair HS
Albert Einstein HS
Gaithersburg HS
Richard Montgomery HS
Northwood HS
Quince Orchard HS
Rockville HS
Seneca Valley HS
Springbrook HS
Watkins Mill HS
Wheaton HS

Secondary SLIFE Instruction

Middle and High School Secondary SLIFE Program

Eligible students in Grades 6-8 receive literacy and English language development instruction as well as instruction in the Language of Math and Social Studies. Secondary SLIFE receive English language development services for a large part of the day, but take classes with non-Secondary SLIFE in electives such as Physical Education and Art.

Instruction is provided by certified English language development teachers. Because of the multi-grade nature of the Secondary SLIFE program, the emotional and social needs of the students, and the various levels of literacy and numeracy of the students, classes are kept at a ratio of 15 to 1 with the support of a Secondary SLIFE para-educator. Native language support is provided when possible.

For further information, please call Jisun DeLeon at 240-740-3982

Other Secondary SLIFE Support Services

Secondary SLIFE students and their families receive support from many professionals in the Department of English Learners and Multilingual Education (DELME). Emergent Multilingual Therapeutic Counselors (ETC) and Parent Community Coordinators (PCC) are regularly assigned to all Secondary SLIFE sites to facilitate the acculturation of students and parents to the academic and social environment of the school and community.