Counseling Department
Higher Education Planning
Here at B-CC, all students are capable and have the potential to achieve further academic challenges in higher education. We very much encourage each and every student to apply for college or university post-graduation.
Guides & Resources
Guide to Higher Education
Naviance: Family Connection
All students and teachers of B-CC are given access to Naviance. This online database is a required resource for all students. Using their own personal account, students will be able to set personalized goals, assess their strengths, explore career options, search for colleges, apply for scholarships, and track their admissions status. The account will also be used in sending essential parts of the college application, such as: counselor/teacher reccommendations, officials transcripts, and other school information.
Each student is given a special registration code, during their sophomore year, to establish their personal account. Parents can also register for their own account, where they will be able to monitor their student(s) actions. If the registration code has been misplaced or you have other questions regarding Naviance, please contact the Counseling Secretary.
Suggested Four-Year Plan
In order to achieve graduation and success in post-secondary education, listed in this Timeline are suggested extra-curricular steps for you and your family.