Support Programs for Students


B-CC provides several programs to help teenagers with all aspects of high school: academics, social/emotional/behavior/attendance problems, the college application process, part-time or summer job searches, and career preparation.


Homework Help and Study Resources


Teachers are available during lunch and after school to help students.  Students are asked to let teachers know that they would like to meet with them, and to schedule an agreed upon time.  Parents and students are encouraged to email teachers with any questions or concerns.

T.A.P. (Time for Academic Progress)

T.A.P. is an after-school program that meets every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday  beginning September 8, 2015 from 2:40-3:40 p.m. in the school cafeteria offering support in English, Math, Science and Social Studies. TAP is also available at the Coffield Community Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:30-6:30p.m.



YMCA Bethesda Youth Services - Homework Helper

2111 Porter Road, Silver Spring, MD 20814
Contact Information: (301) 652-2820

Hours: Monday-Thursday 4:00 5:30 p.m.

Benchmarks Academic Enrichment & Life Skills Program is an after-school program providing homework assistance, life skills activities and enrichment programs to youth living in the greater Rosemary Hills area of Silver Spring. Youth are in 5th-8th graders. The program's goal is to improve academic performance, provide enrichment activities that strengthen the children's connection with school, community, family and peers and to strengthen the life skills of decision making, cooperation, leadership and encouragement. Homework Helpers work with children either individually or in small groups based on school grade.


Minority Mentoring Program

This program seeks to increase enrollment and retention of Black, Hispanic and other minority students in Honors, AP, and IB classes. Individual students work with either a parent or student mentor, all of whom receive training on the basic skills of mentoring from the Montgomery County Task Force on Mentoring. Anyone is interested in being a mentor or any students interestred in being mentored should contact the Counseling Department, 240-497-6320.

Student Assistance Program

The Student Assistance Program is a school-based intervention program under the auspices of the Montgomery County Public Schools Safe and Drug-Free Schools Project.  The goal of the program is to identify and help adolescents whose behavior, attendance, or grades indicate that they may have problems that may be related to alcohol and/or other drug use or violence.  Through the different steps that comprise the Student Assistance process, parents of students referred to the team meet in a private setting.  There, selected team members share the concern about their child and data collected from B-CC staff to raise the parents' awareness of the problem and offer a free assessment by a treatment professional who works with the team.  This assessment seeks to rule out that alcohol and other drug use or violence may be the cause of the student's problems.

These at-risk adolescents are then directed to appropriate services, if warranted.  All information connected with the Student Assistance Program is highly confidential and never becomes part of any student records.  All inquiries about the program or individuals are held in strict confidence.



Alonon/Alateen 202-882-1334  
Alcoholics Anonymous 202-966-9115   
Bethesda Youth Services (YMCA) 301-229-1347   
Child Protection Center 301-295-4100 
Victims Services 301-315-4000