Second Grade Web Links


One More Story
Interactive Story Books (MCPS Computers only)

Interactive Stories and more!

Lots of fun reading games

Starfall Stories
Read some interactive storybooks

Unscramble the letters to spell the word that you were shown.

Word Families
Move the "maagnets" around on the board to make word family words.

Magnetic Wall
Make your own word magnets to create sentences!

Word Practice
Drag the word wall word to the blank that completes the sentence.

Alphabet Bears
Put the words in alphabetical order.

Syllable Factory
Break the words apart into syllables
warning: British site, some words are broken apart differently

The Patchworker
Move the words around to put the sentence in order.

Wall of Words
Put the words in order to make sentences.

Let's Dig!
Make some predictions and check to see if they come true.

Word Works
Add on prefixes to words to make new words, then use them in sentences.

Story Scramble
Put the Arthur story in the correct order.

Contraction Match
Match the contraction to the two words used to create it.

Match the word on the unicorn's balloon to one which

Picture Match
Find the letter that starts the word


Oakland Terrace's Math Website
Each Unit of Math with links by concept.

Can you work your way through the Math game board? Good luck!

That's a Fact
Practice solving your math facts against a timer.

Fact Dash
Practice your math facts.

Aplus Math
This site lets you play games, use flashcards, create worksheets and more!

These interactive Math games will let you practice a lot of your math skills!

Color Patterns
Continue the color pattern.

Connect the Dots
Count by 2s, or 5s to connect the dots to reveal a picture.

Number Patterns
Use the number pattern to fill in the missing numbers.

Place Value 

Time to the Hour
Set the clock to the correct time.

Addition with Base 10 Blocks  

Subtraction with Base 10 Blocks 

Online Calculator