Health Room Information

Bethesda ES Health Room Contacts

Shannon King, CNA, School Health Room Technician (SHRT) -

Michelle Neary, RN, School Community Health Nurse (SCHN) -

Phone: 240-204-5305

Acceptable Proof of Full Immunization Compliance

View the Vaccine Requirements for 2023-24.

Physical Examinations and Immunizations

A physical examination is required for students entering Maryland public schools for the first time or transferring from a private school. The examination must be done within nine months before or six months after enrollment.

Required Health Forms

Frequently Used Health Forms

COVID 19 Symptoms

If your student becomes sick with any one of these Covid symptoms, they should stay home. Please follow up with your pediatrician. A Covid test or a doctor's note stating an alternate diagnosis for the symptom would be needed prior to return to school.

Additionally, your sick student should not return until their symptoms have improved for 24h without the use of fever reducing medication.

  • Cough
  • Difficulty Breathing
  • Fever greater than or equal to 100.4 F
  • Sore Throat
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Severe headache (debilitating)
  • New loss of taste or smell


COVID 19 Testing Site Locator

MD COVID-19 Testing Sites (


We continue to rely on our families and each individual to screen themselves daily for symptoms.  We are asking that you please continue to screen your children at home and if they have even one symptom of COVID-19, or are awaiting COVID test results, please do not send them to school.  Your child will be not be able to return to school until they have a negative COVID test result, there is alternate diagnosis by your child’s doctor, or your child has completed the 10 day quarantine – due to a COVID exposure or a positive COVID test result.   

It is a collective responsibility that we exercise extreme caution and be conservative in our approach in an effort to keep our students, staff and families safe.

Although this is a daily expectation, it is  ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT that we all exercise caution during times when your family is traveling or engaging in large group activities.


Q – What are symptoms?

A – The single symptoms that you and the health-room screen for and will result in quarantine are: cough, difficulty breathing, new loss of taste or smell, fever ≥100.4°, sore throat, severe headache, diarrhea or vomiting.  Please do not send your children to school with any of these symptoms.  


Q - What should I do if my students exhibit COVID like illness?
A – 

  1. Keep your child home.
  2. Contact your child’s doctor, email the school administrator,
  3. Email the health-room staff – and
  4. Share results of COVID test with administration and health-room staff. 

Additional Resource:

Q – What happens if there is a person in your household with COVID?

A – 

  1. Keep your child home.
  2. Contact your child’s doctor, email the school administrator

Email the health-room staff – and

  1. Share results of COVID test with administration and health-room staff.