Counselor's Corner

Mr. Nicolas Pritchard

Links for Students and Parents:

Monthly Character Trait Focus

  • September: Respect - treating others the way you would like to be treated
  • October: Responsibility - Being a person that others can count on
  • November: Gratitude - Being thankful and showing others acts of appreciation
  • December: Caring/Compassion - Caring for others in all you say and do
  • January: Perseverance - trying your best and never giving up
  • February: Honesty & Trust - Telling the truth and keeping promises
  • March: Courage - doing what is right even if it is not popular
  • April: Acceptance - valuing that each of us has worth and potential
  • May: Cooperation - working well with others
  • June: Pride - Believing in yourself and your community

Conflict Resolution

Who’s Bugging You? What do you do when someone keeps bothering you…DeBug!

  1. Ignore
  2. Walk away
  3. Talk Friendly (please stop
  4. Talk Firmly (stop it now
  5. Get Adult help (tell any staff member


Information for 5th Grade Parents

If your child is not attending Argyle, Parkland or Loiederman, please contact the middle school they are planning to attend to ensure they have been properly registered for their classes next year!!!! Please refer to for individual school websites and contact numbers.

Middle School Magnet Program Information

Recommended books and Websites