Security   (240.740.5412)

Terry A. Bell

Security Team Leader

Raymond J. Blankenship

Security Assistant

Lynette D. Hamrick

Security Assistant

Joseph W. Singleton

Security Assistant

James M. Taylor

Security Assistant


Lost or Stolen Items

If you believe an item was lost at school, please check with the main office or in the Security Office to look for it in the "Lost and Found." The best time is before or after school or during lunch. Do NOT come during class time.

If you believe an item was stolen, or it did not turn up in the "Lost and Found," please download this Lost or Stolen Item Report form. Complete the form and bring it to Security when you make a report about the item.

Bullying or Harassment

Please submit a Bullying/Harrassment report if you have witnessed or been the victim of bullying and harassment.

MCPS Bullying Form and Supports

Links for support or assistance with bullying or harassment:

Stop Bullying.Gov is a comprehensive site set-up by the White House (

Cyberbullying Site from the National Crime Prevention Council (

Cyberbullying prevention tips (