Clarksburg HS General Internship Program

  About            For Prospective Interns                For Current Interns                   For Businesses

Summer Program Opportunities includes summer programs and internships primarily available to rising junior and senior high school students.

Due to the fact school is not in session in the summers, Clarksburg HS does not manage summer internships. The list above is provided as a helpful source of information for families looking for internship/program opportunities in the summer. The current list is for summer 2018 but many programs still exist with updated deadlines. Listed below are new summer opportunities:

 —Johns Hopkins ASPIRE program: DEADLINE TO APPLY for SUMMER program is FEBRUARY 15th 2019

 APL places the majority of students in computer science and engineering areas, including aeronautical engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, materials science, cybersecurity, and applied mathematics internships.

 —AEOP: Army Educational Outreach Program: Application window: January 15 to Feb 28, 2019 for summer 2019

       REAP offers high school students a research experience in a university lab.  Visit this link to apply. 

       SEAP is a high school program that matches students with scientists in a Department of Defense Lab.  Visit this link to apply. SEAP:  

      HSAP offers students who will be rising high school juniors and seniors during the summer of the internship a research experience alongside university researchers sponsored by the Army Research Office. Visit this link to apply.  



 What is the Internship Program?

The Internship Program is designed to provide an opportunity for a student to obtain first hand knowledge of a career or field of study. Students have an opportunity to explore and clarify personal career interests and link school to work or areas of future study. They gain valuable work experience, apply academic learning to real world situations and earn elective credit toward their high school diploma.


 Who can be an intern?  

– A student going into their senior year with a solid 2.5 unweighted GPA or better.
– Excellent record of school attendance
– Positive attitude about leaning
– Serious desire to learn more about a career field
– All required credits earned with the exception of English and Math. Other classes can be taken.
– Availability to work the 8-15 hours per week required at the internship site.
– Transportation to and from the internship site
– Recommendation from two teachers


 What types of internships are there?

 There are three types of internships at Clarksburg. All have different course codes to register.

  •  In School (one period) only with a teacher's approval. Areas like Yearbook, Newspaper, Network Operations, Theatre and Student Government Officer require the student to be a participating member in those activities. Students may intern for specific teachers on a limited basis,  but it requires written approval from the teacher and the Internship Coordinator. Students must write learning objectives for what they hope to gain from the experience.
  •  General: Outside the Building (double or triple periods) in placements exploring career interests. These require a full application packet submitted to the Internship Coordinator.
  •  Program Completer: Outside the Building: For students who have completed specific coursework toward graduation requirements in a area of study such as Advanced Child Development, Network Operations, Horticulture, or the Academy of Health Professionals, and internship is a required culminating experience. These are coordinated by the departments of the course of study.

All internships are awarded .5 elective credits for each period taken. For example a triple (3) period internship offers a total of 1.5 credits per semester taken.


 When can students apply for internships?

Students are eligible for internships during their senior year. They apply for internships in the spring of their junior year. An interest and process meeting is held in mid January every year for Juniors interested in internships.This year, 2019, those dates are: January 16 or 17 (student choice) at lunch in room 217.

 Students may apply for triple or double out-of-school internships or single period in-school internships.

Until they have a confirmed internship, it is recommended they register for regular classes and update their schedule to include internship at a later time when the internship is confirmed.

Internships outside of the building are usually scheduled the last periods of the school day (6,7,8) or less commonly, the first periods of the school day (1,2,3). Internships can be paid or unpaid, with unpaid being the most common. 


 For each period of internship the student must complete 75 hours of work during the semester. 

  • 1 internship period = 75 hours (Internship A/B #7813/7816)
  • 2 internship periods = 150 hours (Internship A/B DP #7818/7819)
  • 3 internship periods = 225 hours (Internship A/B TP #7822/7823)


 What Should Students Consider When Planning For An Internship?

  • How many periods can I devote to an internship?
  • What extracurricular activities might conflict with my internship schedule?
  • Can I maintain an excellent attendance record at school and the workplace?
  • Am I expecting to work hard and demonstrate a willingness to learn new skills?
  • Am I self-disciplined enough to meet project deadlines, complete paperwork, follow procedures, communicate with the intern coordinator, and attend scheduled meetings?
  • Can I provide my own transportation to the internship site? Interns must assume the expense of commuting and parking.


 Locating the Internship Site:

The best internship experiences are those which the students have actively secured. This requires that each prospective intern actively participates in the search for a work location. As part of the application a prospective intern must create a resume which will be carried to the interview and given to the prospective employer.


 and interview family, friends, and other contacts about career realities and work site opportunities. Prospective interns must research and seek out opportunities for placement as would be done in the university setting.

A formal resume which is part of the application packet, must be submitted - electronically is preferred- to the coordinator before any placement is approved. The coordinator will assist with placement ONLY after the intern has demonstrated independent placement search strategies. Securing a placement often takes several weeks to complete.

 The following must be considered when securing an internship site:

  • Work permits are required for interns under 18 years old. Permits are available in the Main Office.
  • Internships may not be primarily clerical positions.
  • Some sites require interns to be American citizens and/or over 16 years old.
  • The intern must be supervised by an adult at all times and the location must have at least two adult employees.
  • The site must be a safe work environment and may not be in a private home.
  • Interns may NOT routinely drive as part of the job, open or close the business without adult supervision, transport money, perform work that requires strenuous lifting, working in or around motor vehicles or with heavy equipment.


 In order to participate in the Internship Program, students must:

  • Attend one of the Student Information Meetings which are scheduled by Ms. Costlow mid-January when class registration begins. Listen to morning announcements or see Ms. Costlow in room 213 to get the dates.
  • Complete the application form distributed at the information meeting and attend a resume writing workshop with Ms. Costlow.
  • Take an active role in securing their internship placement by having an idea of places of interest and learning about them by researching online or through a contact. 
  • Work independently and with the internship coordinator to have an internship placement by June 1 for the upcoming school year. The final approval of the placement rests with the internship coordinator.
  • Must have no financial obligations. 
  • Must have their own transportation. 
  • Must have two teacher recommendations (forms included in application packet)
  • Must be in good academic standing. Unweighted GPA of 2.8 or better and a record of good attendance at school.

 What are the Internship Course requirements?

Interns will be evaluated by the school coordinator using a variety of instruments.


The course grade is based on the following:

  • completed intern assignments: weekly written journal reflections,  a student may be asked to make a presentation to other CHS interns about their internship experience.
  • working the required number of hours at the workplace (required minimum must be met to receive credit)
  • evaluation by mentor/site supervisor
  • attendance at resume writing workshop given by the Internship Coordinator

  • attendance at periodic meetings at the beginning of the internhship that address workplace etiquette and positive employee practices.


 How do I apply for an Internship ?

To begin the application process, students need to attend an information meeting held in January each year. There they will receive an application form they will need to complete and return to the Internship Coordinator, Ms. Costlow, Room 213, by end of January of their Junior year. 

They will then sign up for an appointment with Ms. Costlow in February to discuss their specific goals and develop a plan of action.