Attendance Office

Elida Pineda
Phone: 240-740-6001

Absence Note - this is an easy to fill-in note that can be submitted to the Attendance Office to report a student's absence.  Please make sure to fill out all of the blanks.

Excused Absences

Students are to submit a note to the attendance office within three days following the absence (please include a phone number on the note). The attendance secretary will process the note.

We expect ever student to be in school every day except for the legitimate reasons defined by Maryland State Law and listed below:

  • Death in the immediate family
  • Illness of the student
  • Court summons
  • Work or activity accepted by school authorities
  • Observance of a religious holiday
  • Quarantine
  • Physical and mental incapacity
  • Violent storms
  • State emergency

Excused Tardies

Upon entering school, students are to sign in at the attendance office window with a note and the attendance secretary will give the student a pass to class. The attendance secretary will process the note. If students are more than twenty minutes late, the teacher will mark the student as absent for that class period.

Unexcused Tardies

During the first twenty minutes of first period, students are to report directly to class without stopping by the attendance office for a pass. Students that arrive to school after the first twenty minutes must sign in with attendance and they will be given an unexcused tardy pass. The teachers will follow the discipline procedures as indicated in the Student Handbook.

Early Dismissals

Students are to drop off their permission notes by 7:25 AM at the attendance office window. The attendance secretary will prepare the early departure notes.

Extended Absences Needing Prior Approval

Students requesting an extended absence must bring their note to an administrator for prior approval. If approval is granted, the note will be copied to teachers and the attendance office will retain the original copy for the student's file.

Academic success begins with excellent attendance. The following SEVEN pieces of information must be listed on all student tardy and absence notes:

  1. Student's Full Legal Name
  2. ID Number
  3. Grade
  4. Date(s) of Absence
  5. Reason for Absence
  6. Parent/Guardian's Work and Home Telephone Number
  7. Parent/Guardian's Signature, or Student's Signature if Age of Majority is on file.