YA 43 Student Designed and Student Built Home Celebration


On Tuesday, May 23, 2023, the CTF business partners, students, and staff celebrated the placement of the final ceremonial brick into the the 43rd student designed and built home. Located at 14105 Alderton Road, Silver Spring, MD 20906, this single family home will be listed for sale in the near future. Through the local support of our community, we were honored to receive a lot of media attention regarding our program. Check out the following links: 


CBS 9 Night Cap- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mx8-USuFlOA 

CBS 9 (different airing- Get Up DC)- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGnatcf-f1k

NBC4 News - https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/high-schoolers-design-build-homes-in-montgomery-county-trade-program/3348515/

MCPS News - https://news.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/staff-bulletin/unveiling-the-43rd-student-designed-and-built-home/

MCPS Student video of the construction- https://youtu.be/3SGifu6zY9Y

Moco Show: https://mocoshow.com/blog/celebration-of-house-built-and-designed-by-mcps-students/

In-house photos: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMegn5Ohz6mIXM6GKUGp4LrSr-LIva7n3UgjrUlt7bOz7FIpEDmNr01Jm3XtDiQtA?key=aW82N3k1Y1ZxdUF4cV9IMUVVQlFhbjR2Q3h4WFJ3