After School clubs and activities will begin on Tuesday, September 19th. Permission forms will be available next week, beginning on Wednesday, September 13th. A list of all clubs and activities, along with sponsor name and contact information will be posted to the website soon.

Reporting to the Activity:

  • If your student is going to stay to participate in an after school activity, he/she should report to the cafeteria at 3 p.m. when dismissed from 8th period.  In the cafeteria, students will be served supper.  Sponsors will escort students to classrooms promptly at 3:10 p.m.  
  • If your student is on an Eastern team, he/she should report to the locker room when dismissed from 8th period.
  • If your student is going to stay to watch a game or meet, he/she should report to the appropriate field when dismissed from 8th period.  

Getting Home:  All students who participate in an activity, play on our sports team or support our team by watching games are eligible to ride our activity buses home.  We have one neighborhood bus that drops students off at New Hampshire Estates Elementary School and Pine Crest Elementary School.  We also have a Blair shuttle bus that students take to Blair High School where they can transfer onto their regular route.

EMS Athletics Information Home Page


2023-2024 Intramurals Home Page

Intramurals change from year to year and are based on staff availability and student interest.  Information on intramurals is provided on the morning announcements and on the intramural bulletin board outside the gym.

Club Pages

Clubs change from year to year and are based on staff availability and student interest.  Information on clubs is provided through morning announcements.  Typical clubs offered include: