International Baccalaureate Diploma Program

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Coordinator: Ms. Lynette O'Reggio
Phone: 240-740-2700

Click HERE for an IB Student Video

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program at AEHS is a rigorous and comprehensive two-year academic program aimed at nurturing compassionate, inquisitive, and adept global citizens. This program provides driven students with a unique opportunity to delve into interdisciplinary studies through a global perspective. The curriculum places a strong emphasis on honing analytical and critical thinking skills, as well as refining research, writing, and effective communication skills, all of which mirror the demands of college-level coursework. AEHS is dedicated to the success of every student and firmly believes that access to high-quality education should be available to all. In line with this commitment, AEHS's IB Diploma program welcomes all 11th and 12th graders who meet the necessary prerequisites.


IB learners:

  • Are encouraged to think critically and solve complex problems
    Drive their own learning
  • Are able to earn a universally recognized credential
  • Participate in challenging and exciting classes focused on writing, thinking, communicating, and experimenting
  • Develop a commitment to community and human welfare
  • Can earn college credit and enter college with advanced standing
  • Have an advantage when applying to university as admission counselors see that they have pursued the most rigorous course of study high schools offer
  • Are more culturally aware through the development of a second language
  • Are able to engage with people in an increasingly globalized, rapidly changing world


The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program within the Albert Einstein High School community aims to develop the individual talents of young people and teach them to relate their classroom experience to the outside world. Through comprehensive and balanced curricula coupled with challenging assessments, the IB Program is committed to ensure that all students master the skills and knowledge that empower them to become critical and compassionate thinkers, lifelong learners and informed participants in local and world affairs.

We envision our students sharing an academic experience that will emphasize critical thinking, intercultural understanding, and exposure to a variety of points of view as a preparation for university work and global citizenship.


The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program is a comprehensive two-year course of study-- in the junior and senior years-- for the highly motivated student. Its internationally recognized curriculum provides a challenging academic environment that sensitizes students to cultures and globalization and serves as an academic passport that symbolizes intellectual promise throughout the world.
There are six areas of knowledge covered in IB:

  • Studies in Language and Literature
  • Language Acquisition
  • Individuals and Societies
  • Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Arts

These courses strongly emphasize analytical and critical thinking skills. In addition, the students take the Theory of Knowledge course, the cornerstone of the IB curriculum through which the connections of the six areas of study are examined. In this course, students complete a 4,000 word Extended Essay on a topic of their choice. Students also achieve the 10-12 learning outcomes of Creativity, Action, and Service (CAS), a means of reaching out to the community through activities, service, and personal involvement. After successful completion of internal and external assessments, students earn an International Baccalaureate Diploma, which can advance them college credit at most universities.