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AEHS PTSA 2022-2023
Officers/Executive Board:
- President: Leslie Boissiere aehspresident2022@gmail.com
- VP of Programming: Ricardo Leon ricleonj@gmail.com
- VP of Communications: Elizabeth Wenk ewenk@burness.com and Amy Greene amycgreene@gmail.com
- Treasurer: Susanna Drayne aehstreasurer@gmail.com
- Secretary: Mary Vasse mvassepdx@gmail.com
Board of Directors (to be voted in after 7/1/22: includes the executive board, the principal, Mark Brown, or a representative and
- Membership: Ethan Taylor gethantaylor@aol.com and Jim Walker jim_walker@hotmail.com
- Fundraising: Stacy Miller dcstacymiller@gmail.com
- Delegates: Rebecca Rude rlrude99@gmail.com Emil Parker parker_emil@yahoo.com
Cluster Coordinator:
- Oriole Saah: osaah@his.com