From the Health Room

School Nurse: Marsha Bronsther / Health Tech: Brittney Lashley 

Services provided by the school nurse include crisis intervention, health counseling, case management, referral services, and health education. The Health Tech provides first aid, emergency care, medication administration, and the large task of maintaining health records. We hope to build a strong relationship with the families here at Flower Hill ES. For any medical needs, please contact us at (240)740-5822.

Emergency Information

Please provide the health room with current phone numbers and emergency contact persons or guardians. Include pagers and cell phone numbers. In addition, please inform the health room of any health conditions, medications, or communicable diseases as they occur, so that we may more efficiently address your child's needs.

Sick Children

Please keep your children home from school for the following health reasons to protect your child and their classmates:

  • Fever over 100 degree
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Rash
  • Red irritated eyes
  • Symptoms of communicable disease

Medication Policy

Medication will not be administered in school nor at school-sponsored activities without parents' written authorization and a physician's written order. Medications must be delivered to school by parent or guardian, properly labeled by a pharmacist and consistent with the physician's order. Students may not bring medications to school themselves.

Lice Policy

Head lice occur commonly in children of all backgrounds and socioeconomic groups. It spreads quickly and easily in schools, day care centers, camps, and other areas where children congregate. By working together we can prevent the spread and repeated re-infestations of head lice.

School identification of head lice - students are excluded from school until treated with a medicated shampoo or cream, and there are no visible nits.

Home identification - Please notify the health team if your child has head lice and accompany your child to health room after treatment.

Following treatment at home, students are re-inspected upon return to school. He/she will be re-admitted only if there are no nits present. The child must bring a note stating which type of treatment was used. Students may be inspected for head lice throughout the year. Notify the health room staff if you do not want this done.

Health Forms



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