Extracurricular Activities at Gaithersburg MS

After-School Activities

For any general questions feel free to contact: 
School Phone: 240-740-4950   

After School Activities Bus Routes

The following form is required for all students participating in Intramural Activities during the 2023-2024 school year. While we strongly encourage the completion of this permission form electronically, paper copies are available at school for families who are unable to complete the forms on a computer or mobile device. Students can see their PE or Health teacher for a paper copy, if necessary. 
GMS Intramural Permission - Students can see their PE or health teacher for paper copies.
We will offer the following intramural activities beginning September 19th

AM Basketball with Mr. Frawley, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Volleyball with Miss Barnes- Tuesday/ Thursday

Archery with Mr. Hill- Tuesday/ Thursday


The Vikings Chronicles

The Vikings Chronicle is written by the Newspaper Club of GMS. It consists of multiple writers, editors, and other staff members. We write multiple types of articles like Activism, Science, History, Reviews, Politics, and much more! We do articles on either Google Docs or on a Google Slide. Check speaker notes for additional information on articles. You can also access a feedback form and comment on slides and Docs to communicate with the writer. We encourage you to fill out the feedback form to request articles, ask for more understandable texts, and more. The Newspaper Club reviews the feedback form to improve the reader’s experience. We hope you enjoy exploring the newspaper!

