Third Grade

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The third grade teachers for 2023 - 2024 are: Ms. Morici, Ms. Fanning, Mrs. Mongia, Mrs. Scheurer, Mr. White

Welcome to third grade!  Students will have the opportunity to inquire, discover, reflect, and most importantly, learn how to be better thinkers.  In reading, the students will read both narrative and informational texts, focusing on concepts related to main idea and central message.  They will write narrative, informational, and opinion essays that support the reading unit.  In math, the students will work on basic fact fluency, and learn concepts related to multiplication, division, and fractions.  In science, students will explore topics such as force and motion, properties of matter, and heat energy.  During social studies, students will engage in inclusive social studies inquiry that utilizes primary sources--including multiple perspectives from historically marginalized voices--to develop their capacity to think critically, read closely, communicate clearly, and take action to improve their community, country, and world. 

Third Grade Fun

Student & Parent Resources

 3rd Grade
Web Resources
  MCPS Guide to Report Cards
for Elementary Schools

Mission Statement

We the third grade team at GPES believe that a positive environment can support our diverse learners.

Our mission is to collaborate by sharing ideas, knowledge, skills, and expertise in a positive and caring atmosphere to inspire the third grade students.

As a team, we will stay connected by being honest, respectful, and encouraging to each other.