SOARing at Lunch and Recess


Cafeteria Line Rules

  1. Once food is touched, it may not be put back. 
  2. If forks, napkins or straws are not picked up while going through line, these items are available in the cafeteria eating area. Students should not attempt to go back into the food pick-up area.
  3. When multiple items are being served, only one of each item per student is allowed. For example, a student may not have two cookies, but may have one cookie and one juice bar.

 Lunchtime Cafeteria Rules

  1. Follow directions given by adult supervisors.
  2. Due to allergies, students are not to share food with others.
  3. Talk with neighbor in quiet tones.
  4. Remain seated except when given permission to get up.
  5. Students are responsible for cleaning their area when they have finished eating. Tables and floors will be cleaned before students are dismissed.
  6. Food may not be taken out of the lunchroom.
  7. Line up quietly and without running or pushing. 

Eagles' Code of Conduct for the Cafeteria:


S- Use good table manners 

O- Clean up my trash. Bring my lunch or money to the cafeteria. Get all the items I need as I go through the line. 

A- Keep my hands and feet to myself. Stay in my seat.Eat only my lunch and do not share food

R- Use my indoor voice. Raise my hand if I need help.   




Lunch is preceded by a thirty minute free-play recess. Children are to follow the playground rules:


 Playground Rules  

  • Stay on the blacktop, wood chips or field.
  • The recess monitors will set the field limits.
  • Play within sight of the playground adult supervision.
  • Use appropriate language.
  • Keep hands, feet and objects to self.
  • Play safely with equipment.
  • Report injuries to the playground adult supervisor.
  • Remain outside unless given permission to enter the building by the playground adult supervisor.
  • Line up immediately when the whistle is blown.
  • Respect and honor all other Glen Haven behavior rules.

In the event of inclement weather such as rain, snow, excessive heat or cold, students will have “Indoor Recess” in their classrooms. If the temperature is below 32 degrees, or if the wind chill brings the temperature below 32 degrees, students will stay inside. If a day is classified as “Code Red” due to heat and air quality, students will remain inside.

Eagles' Code of Conduct for the Playground:

S- Follow the playground rules

O- Help keep the playground clean

A- Stay on the playground. Keep my hands and feet to myself. Use playground equipment properly.

R- Take turns. Play with others respectfully.