A message from our military family life counselor
Welcome back to school and I hope you had a wonderful summer!
Due to the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic, I will continue to be able to temporarily provide telehealth services at your school. These services include video and telephonic (VTC) non-medical counseling in areas where face-to-face support is restricted due to COVID-19. We are pleased to announce this temporary capability to provide continuity of care for the service members at your school.
The model of MFLC is below.
Support for Children and Youth:
- Individual video non-medical counseling sessions for minors age 13 to 17 (parent or guardian must be available at the start of each video session to give parental consent and provide line of sight requirements during the session)
- Family video non-medical counseling for minors 6 to 12 years of age (parent or guardian must attend each session)
- Special events will be offered throughout the school day, including Meet the MFLC, Lunch Bunch, and special non-medical counseling groups.
I am now available to provide video and telephonic non-medical counseling support and can be reached at 240-549-2278 to establish a telephonic or video non-medical counseling appointment.
The counseling sessions will be conducted by the Magellan MFLC Zoom video conferencing application. The Zoom application meets all federal privacy regulations, and each counselor has a Magellan provided smartphone which is only used for business purposes. The option to record the session has been disabled from Zoom and Magellan’s MFLC communication policies prohibits recording of telephonic non-medical counseling services.
Scheduling a counseling session is simple and all you need to do is contact the MFLC at their MFLC phone number: Jennifer Noble 240-549-2278.
We hope that you will find helpful the MFLC support during these difficult times and please let me know if you have any questions.
Jennifer Noble, LCPC
Military Family Life Counselor
Magellan Health
Military Family Life Brochure: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OYKDcnEkJiLBvPI0Ko1eLFizpixq72MR/view?usp=sharing
MFLC Consent Form: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XETlcNm_E-8b5S2o4twx5eMXsjIIksTD/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106752741608976488622&rtpof=true&sd=true