Buying a Computer
Purchasing a Computer from ITF
For information of current computer sales, please see our Calendar of Events
You can purchase a computer — reconditioned by students in the Information Technology Foundation (ITF) program — at a used computer sale held three times each year at a Montgomery County High School. These computers have been thoroughly inspected and refurbished by students in the Network Operations program. A new operating system has been installed in each machine. Or, for experienced users that want to experiment with Linux or other operating systems, the same system can be purchased with a blank wiped hard drive. Either way, systems come complete with LCD flat-panel monitor, keyboard, mouse, and speakers.
Please keep an eye on our "News Feed" for more information. The sales generally occur as follows:
December- Gaithersburg High School
February- Damascus High School
May- Thomas Edison High School/Foundations Office
For more information, contact the Foundations Office at (240) 740-2050.