Health Room

Hours: 7:45 am –3:00 pm

Phone:  301-601-2080

Fax: 301-601-4610

School Health Room Aide (SHRA): Charlene Rodriguez

Nurse: Alexandra Rosen


The Department of Health and Human Services, School Health Services in partnership with MCPS provides services to assure health, safety, and well-being of students at Kingsview Middle School.

The Health Room Staff is available to provide care to the students during the school day.  Some of these services include assessing the health needs of the students, providing first aid and emergency care to sick or injured students, administering medications and treatments to students who have doctors’ orders, providing crisis intervention, health counseling, nurse case-management and referrals.  We also assist families of eligible uninsured students to enroll in the Maryland Children’s Health Plan (MCHP) and Care for Kids Programs.  If we can be of assistance, please contact us.


When your child is sick, keep him/her home from school. This not only benefits your child, but other children and staff in the classroom at school.

Important signs of illness:

Some important signs of illness are:

1. A temperature of more than 100° orally

2. Nausea or vomiting

3. Stomachache

4. Diarrhea

5. Pale or flushed face

6. Headache

7. Persistent cough

8. Earache

9. Thick yellowish discharge from nose

10. Sore throat

11. Rash or infection of the skin

12. Red or pink eyes

13. Loss of energy or decrease in activity


Download FS-25 PDF  


Medications at School:

Medicine cannot be given to a student unless authorized by the physician on the MCPS Form 525-13, Authorization for Administer Prescribed Medication.  This includes both prescription and over the counter medications. Over the counter medications must be in the original, unopened bottle/box. Prescription medications must be in a container properly labeled by a pharmacist.


Authorization to Administer Prescribed Medication

Emergency Care for Anaphylaxis Form

Health Inventory Form