6th Grade Information 


Grade Level Leaders

Ms. Ashton Pontius -  Administrator 
Mr. James Risse - Counselor 
Ms. Cynthia Purich - Counselor 
Mr. Benjamin Goldberg - Resource Counselor 
Ms. Kristin Vaeth - Team Leader 
Ms. Grace Hattery - Community Engagement Coordinator 
Ms. Cecilia Rosario - Community Engagement Coordinator 



Attention 6th-grade parents- All 6th-grade students are required to have documentation on file in the health room of receiving one dose of tetanus, diphtheria, and attenuated pertussis or  (Tdap) and one meningococcal or (MCV4) vaccination.   Students will not be permitted to enter 7th grade without proof, so the time is now to get this documentation to the health room.  

Please contact your child’s healthcare provider to determine if your child has had these 2 shots.  If they have, please bring documentation to the health room.  If not, please request to have them administered as soon as possible.  

If you need assistance getting these vaccinations, please call the school health room at 240-740-5832 or email our school nurse at tami_vanveldhuisen@mcpsmd.org.  


Safe Schools Maryland


Find the MCPS EOL for 6th Graders below



6th Grade Team