English Language Development
Contact the ELD Department
240-740-5550 ext. 1051
Our English Learners will have access to high quality learning and content level standards.
We respect the diverse cultural backgrounds of our English Learners, so teachers will create purposeful and intentional classroom experiences that reflect their students' diverse learning styles. Teachers will plan with a culturally proficient mindset, so that all English Learners will acquire language proficiency and critical thinking skills to be college, career, and life ready.
Adrienne Helmick-Resource Teacher
Kiya Mirmozaffari
Martha Raver
Lydia Trang
William Peña Martinez, Paraeducator
Counseling Support
Evelyn Culque, ELD Counselor (English Learners (EL) Levels 1-2)
Ana Rivas, ELD Transition Counselor (In person availability: Thursdays at MHS)
ELD Program Administrator
Dr. Sofia Vega-Ormeno, Assistant Principal