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Student Service Learning

Student Service Learning School-based Coordinator:
Mrs. Sarah Breslaw

All students working toward Maryland State Department of Education diplomas must complete 75 service learning hours in addition to the graduation requirements of enrollment, credit, courses, and competencies.

  • To find pre-approved SSL opportunities click here
  • To print an SSL Verification of student hours form, click here
  • Volunteering more than 25 hours? Please complete the volunteer log-in sheet found here.
  • Student Service Learning Hours must be performed at an MCPS approved organization. If the organization is not on the approved list, a special activity form must be filled out and approved BEFORE the student performs the service. To download the special activity form click here
  • To review the MCPS Student Service Learning program click here
  • Click here to review the Student Service Learning guidebook. 

SSL Inquiry Form

Have questions about your SSL hours? Please complete this form: