Instructional Media Center

Brenda and Hillary 2

Mrs. Brenda Young, Media Specialist
Mrs. Hillary Chester, Media Assistant

Mission Statement

The mission of the Redland Media Center is to provide instruction, resources and services that enable students and staff to reach curricular goals. The media center provides the opportunity for students to learn how to find and use information effectively. In addition, the media center provides the students the ability to think critically, read for pleasure and acquire the skills needed to become lifelong learners.

Media Center Expectations

  • Be respectful to all Media Center staff and users.
  • Handle all materials and equipment with care.
  • Return materials to their proper location.  If you don't remember where an item came from, please ask the Media Center staff.
  • Clean up your work area and push in your chair before leaving the Media Center.
  • Refrain from eating, drinking or chewing gum.

Visiting the Media Center 

The Media Center is a place where students can do research, work on assignments, find a book, read quietly, play a game or create someing in our maker space.  In addition to visiting the Media Center during the school day as part of a class, students can also visit on their own as needed, but the number of students allowed in at any one time is limited.  The number of students is limited so that students in it can work without distractions.

  • Before School - The Media Center opens every day at 7:50 and remains open until the first bell at 8:05
  • During Lunch - Students who want to come to the media center during lunch should stop by on the way to the cafeteria to get a pass. You will be allowed to go to the front of the lunch line and then come back to the media center. 
  • After School - Students who need to use the media center resources after school should arrange it with Mrs. Young or Mrs. Chester.

In addition to the times above, students are always welcome to come to the Media Center during the day to find a new book.  Students must have a pass in the assignment book to visit during class time.

Virtual Media Center 

MyMCPS Classroom - Mrs. Young has created a media center page within the Redland course on MyMCPS classroom.  Just go to the Redland MS tile on your dashboard and then click the Media Center link under the school picture. 

E-Books and Audio Books - Students have a variety of ways to check out e-books and audio books.   

  • On the menu bar on the left of your screen, go to either Destiny Library Catalog or SORA  to check out the options of e-books and audio books. If you need instructions on how to use either of these sites, go the the Media Center Page in MyMCPS classroom 
  • The public library has lots of e-books and audio books. Click on the public library link on the left to access their site. If you do not have a libray card, you can apply of an electronic card on their site and beign using it right away.  
  • Teen Book Cloud - This is a new subscription service that is available to students.  It contains fiction and non-fiction books as well as graphic novels and videos. Click here to access the site and begin exploring the site. 

Online Resources - All of our online databases are still available to students. Just click on the link to the left to access the resources purchsed by MCPS and Redland this year.  In addition, because of the school shut downs, many other companies are offering their online databases for free.  To access these additional resources, just go to our media center MyMCPS page.

Digital Citizenship - At this time, when almost everything we do is in the online world, digital citizenship is more important than ever.  Visit the "Digital Citizenship" page in the media center MyMCPS classroom to access Digital Compass games. These "choose your own adventure" style games allow students to investigate a variety of digital citizenship situations and see the outcome of different actions.  In addtion, Commom Sense Education has a wealth of resources available to familes pertaining to online education.  Click here to access the family resources. 

Contact Us

Media Center Phone Number : 240-740-0870