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Science, Technology, Computer Science and Engineering

Science Resource Teacher: Stacey Boccher

Technology/Computer Science Resource Teacher: Chamara Wijeratne

Science Department Phone: 240-740-6158

Computer Science/Technology Phone: 


The Richard Montgomery High School science and technology department is committed to developing our students into lifelong learners with a passion for science. We guide our students so they learn how to investigate, describe, predict and analyze the living and non-living aspects of our environment, reaching from the subatomic level to our local environment to the universe as a whole.

Science, Technology & Engineering Staff

Staff email addresses can be found in the Staff Directory.

Stacey Boccher

Resource Teacher

AP Environmental Science


Chamy Wijeratne

Resource Teacher

Technology/Computer Science/


Shawn Ackley

Foundations of Technology


Allison Adams

Biology Honors

Anatomy & Physiology

Bessy Albaugh

RMS Biology

IB Biology

 Stuart Albaugh

IB Chemistry 


Mike Ashmead

Honors Chemistry

AP Chemistry

Randy Decker


Akshay Gandhi

RMS Chemistry

IB Chemistry

Deirdre Garahan

Honors Physics 

Earth Systems

Jon Goetz

AP Physics C

IB Physics

Renee Harmon

Honors Biology/AP Biology

Wild Life Biology

Katherine Hatchard

Honors Biology


Dr. Heather Hennis

AP CS Java

Foundations of Computer Science

Dr. Karl Kovacs

RMS Biology


Kevin Martz

Astronomy with Physics

Engineering Design

Eleanor Park

Honors Chemistry

Earth Systems

Phil Piety

Foundations of Computer Science

IB Computer Science

John Pisanic

Astro with Physics

Megan Shaw

Biology/Honors Biology

Dr. Wendy Sparks


IB Biology


Lissa Vincent

Honors Physics 

IB Physics


Brian Wright

Foundations of Technology

Web Development