
Welcome to Silver Creek Middle, An IB World School where we are Huskies on the M.O.V.E.: Motivated Open-Minded Visionaries for Excellence!

Chromebook Information

Individual chromebooks will not be assigned to students this year.  Each classroom will have chromebooks available for students to use during instruction.  If a student does not have an electronic device to use at home, families can complete this MCPS form to request a chromebook.  To ensure the safety of personal devices, students MUST keep personal devices at home. 

Family Life Meeting

Please click here for more information about the family life meeting scheduled on September 28, 2023 @ 6 p.m.

Free And Reduced Meals

Students may qualify for free or reduced-price meals based on household size and income.  Click here for more information in English.  Click here for information in Spanish.

Immunization Records

Parents, please be sure to submit your child's most updated immunization records for the 2023-2024 school year.  You can email an electronic copy to our school nurse, Mrs. Desiree Speicher at Desiree_G_Speicher@mcpsmd.org or Mrs. Tigest Teshome at Tigest_Teshome@mcpsmd.org.  If you would like to drop off a hard copy at the school, please see Ms. LaTonya Abroms, our school registrar in the counseling office during the summer hours of 9:00 am-3:00 pm. 

School Supply List for SY23-24

Hey Huskies, let the countdown begin for all things back to school!  Click here for this year's school supply list.  See everyone on Monday, August 28th for the first day of school!

Stay Connected!

Click here for Dr. Awkard's Weekly Newsletter