Tucked away in a tree lined area of Silver Spring, Sligo Creek’s Academy program supports a diverse population of Kindergarten through fifth grade children. Sligo Creek’s neighborhood boundaries closely track the area around downtown Silver Spring, including Colesville Road and Wayne Avenue. Our faculty and staff members have a strong commitment to teaching our Academy students who come from diverse backgrounds and speak a variety of languages, such as Amharic, Arabic, Burmese, Khmer, French, Rundi, Spanish, Swahili, Twi, and Wolof. Sligo Creek is one of four elementary schools that feed into Silver Spring International Middle School and our students attend both Blair and Northwood high schools.

School Information 

School Hours

9:25 am - 3:50 pm

9:10 am - Students line up under the canopy or on the grand staircase

9:10 am - Students buying breakfast can go to the cafeteria

9:15 am - Students walk to class

9:25 am - Announcements

After 9:25 am - Students are tardy and must be signed in at the Main Office

Please do not drop your child off before 9:05 am. Students who are picked up late in the afternoon will be waiting in the main office. A parent mustcome to the main office to sign his orher childout before leaving.


General Information

Our school colors are BLUE and BLACK.

Our school mascot is the salamander.


Absences & Early Dismissal 

Parents are responsible for informing the school when a child will be absent for any reason. Please call the school office at 240-740-2800 to let us know your child will be out. A written note explaining the absence must be sent with your child when he/she returns to school or the absence will be considered "unexcused".

When a child arrives at school after 9:15 am, he/she must go to the office before going to the classroom. Parents are expected to accompany students to the office to sign in.

There will be times when it becomes necessary to have your child dismissed before the end of the school day. Please send in a note that states what time you will pick up your child. Parents need to report to the office and the secretary will call for your child. The student must be signed out at this time. Going directly to the classroom to pick up your child is not permitted. Please note that students will not be called to the office for early dismissal after 3:15pm except in emergency situations.


Inclement Weather

When it becomes necessary to close school because of snow, inclement weather, or other emergency conditions, announcements will be broadcast on local radio or TV stations. A delayed opening decision is made by 6:00 a.m. Early dismissals are determined by 11:00 a.m. PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL . You can call (301) 279-3673 for the MCPS recorded message or check online at www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org.

Radio stations (WMAL, WTOP) will also have the latest information. You may also register on www.schools-out.com or get MCPS QuickNotes for an e-mail notification when schools are delayed or closed for any reason.

The following times reflect any changes in school openings or closings due to inclement weather or catastrophe:

Two Hour Delayed Opening:

  • School begins at 11:25 am

Two Hour Early Closing:

  • Dismissal begins at 1:20 pm

Please go over emergency plans with your children. In the event of an early closing, children need to know where to go and who is responsible for them. In the event day care facilities are used, inform children of alternate plans if these facilities also close early.


Change of Dismissal Routine

Parents are asked to make any changes in dismissal before 2 pm. Please provide written notice of this change to the main office.


Use of Phone

Students must have permission from the main office to call a parent. The telephone should not be used to arrange playdates, but should be used for emergencies only.


School Visits/Volunteers

Montgomery County Policy states that when parents visit the school, they must go to the office first. Any conferences with staff members should be scheduled in advance. Parents should not request to confer with teachers during class time, nor should they go directly to classrooms during the school day.

Any parent helping in his/her child's classroom or elsewhere in the school MUST sign in at the main office. If this is your first time at the school, you will be asked to providea photo id that will be scanned into our security system. You will also be given a visitor label that is to be worn at all times while in the building.To help ensure the security of our children, this rule will be strictly enforced.



To help us secure the building, all exterior doors will be locked, with the exception of the doors at the bottom of the grand staircase. These doors will be locked at 9:30 am. To enter the building after this time, please use the canopy entrance. The main office staff will unlock the door for you. Please go directly to the main office.

Students should never be dropped off at the back of the building or by the cafeteria doors. All students must enter through the front of the building.


Lost and Found

Please label all clothing, lunch bags, backpacks, etc. with your child's first and last name. Any items found with names on them will be placed in the teacher's mailbox to be returned to the student. Items without names are kept in the gym for a period of time after which are donated. Items left outside at recess or in the cafeteria are brought to the lost and found by the end of the day.


Health Room Information

If a child requires medication during school hours, the parent and physician must first complete an authorization form (MCPS 525-13). For emergency medications, such as for bee stings, this form should be completed at the beginning of EACH school year. NO medicines of any kind are to be sent to school with a child. Parents must deliver any prescribed or over the counter medicine to the Health Room.

If a child is hurt or becomes ill at school, the parent will be called. If the parent is not at home/work, the emergency number on the yellow card will be called. The child should then be picked up as soon as possible. Please remember to keep phone numbers updated on the yellow emergency cards.