
Media Center



Looking for a good book to read online?  Our ebooks and eaudiobooks as well as our online resources are available at home and at school all year round.  Check out our  Destiny Discover Catalog, login using student's Google.net account here!


   Make a Trading Card

 Make a Word Matrix   

Make a Timeline   

                                    Click here for information about Egypt


and some other things you can do online: 

PBS Kids Hero Maker


Public Library's Kids Page 


Coding Projects from code.org

Science Games


Learn more about your Favorite Authors at Reading Rockets


ALA Great Websites for Kids (Authors)



Write a diamante poem



Email Ms. Elkins about what you're reading!



Jill Elkins, Media Specialist and
Rebecca Wilson, Media Assistant


 Owl Image from httphttp://commons.wikimediawikimedia.orgorg/wikiwiki/File:Small_Sketch_of_Owl.png

Pyramid & Sphinx: http:http//quest.eb.ebcom/images/131_1858406 

Britannica ImageQuest,

Encyclopædia Britannica, 25 May 2016. 


This page maintained by Jill Elkins

Updated: 08/18/2023