Media Center  


Contact your media specialist or media assistant if you have questions!

 Mrs. Abegail Prado (media specialist) and Ms. Christine Sartwell (media assistant) 


 Destiny D

Library Catalog

Connect to our library catalog -  Destiny Discover  


  • You can use the * key to help you search.  (recyc* will search for recycle, recycling and other forms of the word that starts like this.)    

  • Our Destiny Home page is your link to our Online Resources and eBooks.  Most of the eBooks are also available through Destiny searches.  Remember to use OneSearch to access online resources that match your search! 

           fSuggest a Book           How to get a free public library card?       

Wide Open School



Viers Mill Elementary School Media Center's mission is to nurture the love of reading for pleasure and information by connecting our students and staff with the valuable resources for learning. We keep a fun, safe, nurturing and inviting environment that meet the needs of diverse learners. We provide our 21st century learners the resources and promote collaborating effort with the school community to inspire learning.



Google's search engine for kids


MCPS privacy and accessibility page

Last modified on October 6, 2022.