Student Links
Summer Math
Great Links to More Math Sites
Summer Reading
Suggested Reading Lists from MCPL 
Games & Learning Activities |
Front Row |
Works best in Google Chrome browser. |
This site offers interactive game for math for ages 4 - 11 on a variety of math concepts. |
Educational computer games for kids in grades K - 5. |
Teaching Time |
Stop the Clock! Kids match digital time with analog clocks and try to beat their own time. |
Developed by the University of Cambridge, this site offers problem-solving tasks on a monthly theme designed to develop rich thinking in math. |
A site sponsored by PBS that helps nurture development of a child's early math skills.
Harcourt's Math Advantage Choose your grade and get games and problems targeted for kids at your level. |
Games designed to help children understand basic number concepts.
Tools |
Resources for teaching math from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) |
A library of uniquely interactive, web-based virtual manipulatives or concept tutorials, for mathematics instruction (K-12) from Utah State University. |

Virtual workspace and tools to teach a variety of math concepts developed by Scott, Foresman / Pearson Education. |