World Languages

The World Languages department is headed by Angela Deandreis.


Westland’s World Languages Department is an essential part of the international minded education that is part of the Middle Years Program.

Westland offers the following language courses - each is linked to the MCPS course information

In MCPS, World Language instruction involves as much of the target language as possible with a goal of 90% target language (French or Spanish) and 10% English for both students and teacher. Students in their first year of language will necessarily have more English usage as they develop language skills, particularly in the first quarter.


Teachers organize lessons and student work around the four language domains: reading, writing, speaking and listening. Students engage in each of these activities in the target language every week and are regularly assessed and given feedback formally and informally in each domain.  


The link below answers frequently asked questions about world language study and provides information about your options when your child reaches high school if they attened Bethesda Chevy Chase (B-CC).

FAQ on World Language Classes at Westland


Student Resources:

Resources for Spanish students:






News materials:


Arts in Spanish: (Smithsonian Latino Center)


Web support for Realidades: Teacher can provide code for access to the electronic version to the appropriate level of the REalidades book.


Maryland Seal of Biliteracy

Beginning in 2017, MCPS students are able to earn a Seal of Biliteracy on their high school diploma. The Seal recognizes students who are proficient in reading, writing, speaking a listening a language other than English. By starting a language in middle school, students will have the opportunity to continue into highschool and reach a level of proficiency that will earn them the Seal of Biliteracy


In high school, students who are preparing to take an AP or IB exam in high school are candidates for the Seal of Biliteracy. Students who have fluency in a language but who are not taking one of those exams need to contact their  high school World Languages Resource Teacher or Resource Counselor as they approach their senior year. You can get more information the Seal of Biliteracy here:


Westland Translation Policy



World Language Courses and High School GPA

Policy Update              Simplified Version