Safe Reporting Form for Students

Do you need to speak to your counselor?
Is there something you need to report to a trusted adult?
Are you feeling unsafe?
Are you being bullied?
Are you having trouble with your locker?

Click here to fill out the Safe Reporting Form for Students


Student Service Learning

Student Service Learning (SSL) is a Maryland state graduation requirement. Students must earn 75 SSL hours to meet this graduation requirement. The Volunteer Center works in partnership with Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) to show organizations and volunteer opportunities that have been reviewed by MCPS and meet the MCPS guidelines for SSL. Look for the blue MCPS SSL graduation cap icon above indicating MCPS SSL organizations and opportunities.

MCPS SSL Hub for Parents and Students

Montgomery County  Volunteer Website


Academic Support & Testing

How to Prepare for MAP Testing   MAP Practice Tests   MCAP Practice Tests

Resources for Middle School     Recursos en Linea para Escuelas de Ensenanza Media

Math 6     Math 7     Math 8     Algebra


How Can I Access My Google Account from Home?

How to Access my Google Account From Home


Where can I find my teacher's email?

Staff e-mail addresses are available in the Staff Directory


How should I email my teacher?

"Good morning/afternoon/evening Mr./Ms. (Teacher's LastName),

I was wondering/I would like some help with/Other polite question or request.

Thank you,

YourFirstName YourLastName"