Welcome to Walt Whitman High School!

Please call/email the counseling office for an enrollment appointment at 240-740-4820

Ms. Blenda LeGrande, Registrar      blenda_p_legrande@mcpsmd.org 

Ms. Katherine Agostino, Counseling Secretary          katherine_a_agostino@mcpsmd.org 

Please see below for the required documents for enrollment, withdrawal, and transcript requests. Email all documents and information to the Registrar. 

Transcript Requests: 

Please provide full name, current grade, MCPS student ID number. 

Enrollment Information: 

Please bring the withdrawal packet from the former school, proof of residency, and any applicable forms listed below: 

ENROLLMENT FORMS for returning to or transfers within MCPS

(Formularios de inscripción para transferencias dentro de MCPS):



ENROLLMENT FORMS for students new to MCPS

(Formularios de inscripción para estudiantes nuevos en MCPS):


SUPPORT DOCUMENTS required for enrollment:

  • Birth certificate (Certificado de Nacimiento) OR

  • Passport/Visa (Pasaporte/visa) OR

  • Photo ID OR

  • Driver’s license (Licencia de conducir) AND

  • If applicable, court order or separation or divorce decree (mandato judicial) (decreto de divorcio)

• If PARENT is a homeowner, provide copy of current property assessment or closing disclosure from the settlement packet, and a current utility bill. (Factura actual de impuestos a la propiedad) OR

• If PARENT is a renter, provide copy of current rental lease and a current utility bill, (Contrato de alquiler actua, una copia de una factura actual de servicios públicos (agua, electricidad, gas) ) OR

• If Parent is renting a room/space/basement, the homeowner or renter with whom student and parent/guardian are living must provide the above documents. AND PARENT must provide notarized MCPS Form 335-74, Shared Housing Disclosure with signatures of homeowner/renter and parent with three appropriate supporting documents.

* Medical, *Financial Institutions (i.e. banks, insurance companies, etc.), *Utility Company (i.e. phone, water, power, etc.), *Governmental (i.e. federal, state, local)

NOTARY PUBLIC (when applicable)

Please contact the Law Library at lawlibrary@mcccourt.com or 240-777-9120 to schedule an appointment. Before the appointment, we ask that you fill out an online intake form and email us copies of your identification documents, as well as the document(s) requiring notarization.

• Maryland Immunization Certificate 896, (Certificado de Inmunizaciones 896 del Departamento de Salud de Maryland) OR

• Computer-generated printout from doctor’s office (Formulario de un médico o de una clínica de salud generado por computadora)

Parent only access MD.MyIR.net


PREVIOUS SCHOOL RECORDS: it’s best (if possible) to bring a copy of the student’s HS transcript or middle school report card and any accomodation reports. (Si es posible, traiga una copia del expediente académico o boleta de calificaciones del estudiante.)

Once we have all the required documents, counselors can meet with parent and student to discuss scheduling options. Contact us if you have any questions. (Una vez que tengamos todos los documentos requeridos, los consejeros pueden reunirse con los padres y el estudiante para discutir las clases del estudiante. (llámenos si tiene alguna pregunta.)


Withdrawal Information: 

Secondary Student Withdraw/Clearance Form