WJ Counseling Services
Phone: 240-740-6920

          Attention College Seniors


Course Registration Information for 2023-2024

Please refer to the following links below for the course registration timeline, WJ Course Bulletin site where students and families can access all registration related resources,  a How-to-Video to register on Student Vue, and a Step-By-Step Guide to Entering Courses on Student Vue. Registration timeline.

Where to find Counseling Services

WJ Counseling Services is staffed by professional school counselors; leaders who advocate, collaborate, and facilitate individual and system change to ensure every student has the knowledge and skills necessary for academic success and personal growth. Services include classroom guidance, responsive counseling, individual planning, and system support.

Click on the name or use the email address shown to email a counselor. Scroll down the page to find Student Counselor Assignments or  click here for a printer-friendly list. 

Ladson, Imani
Director of Counseling
Counsels students with last names
beginning with
Re-Ro (Grade 10)
Ran-Sa  (Grade 11) 
Pauline Bamdad

Counseling Services Secretary



Jamie Ahearn
Jamie Reed, Counselor
Counsels students with last names
beginning with
A-Be (Grade 9)
A-Ben (Grade 10)
A-Bat (Grade 11)
A-Bim (Grade 12)
Lynn Jarosi, Counselor
Counsels students with last names
beginning with
Bh-Com (Grade 9)
Ber-Ch (Grade 10)
Baz-Coh (Grade 11)
Bin-C (Grade 12)
Christine Keller, Counselor
Counsels students with last names
beginning with
Cor-Fl (Grade 9)
Ci-E, Ha-Hi (Grade 10)
Con-Def, Gard-Hi (Grade 11)
Ga-Gr (Grade 12)
Ben O'Hara, Counselor
Counsels students with last names
beginning with
Fo-Hi (Grade 9)
F-G (Grade 10)
Deg- Garc (Grade 11)
D-f (Grade 12)
Ashley Weddle, Counselor
Counsels students with last names
beginning with
Ho-K (Grade 9)
Ho-Kim(Grade 10)
Ho-Kou (Grade 11)
Gu-Kel (Grade 12)


Lisa Sorensen, Counselor
Counsels students with last names
beginning with
L-Me (Grade 9)
Kin-L (Grade 10)
Kra-Mb (Grade 11)
Kemp-L (Grade 12)

Reynolds, Dennis
Counsels students with last names
beginning with
Mi-Ng (Grade 9)
M-Ni (Grade 10)
Mc-On (Grade 11)
M-Mos (Grade 12)
Hawa Magona, Counselor 
Counsels students with last names
beginning with
Ni-Ri(Grade 9)
Nj-Ra (Grade 10)
Or-Ram (Grade 11)
Mot-Pom (Grade 12)
James Stradley, Counselor
Counsels students with last names
beginning with
Ro-St (Grade 9)
Ru-St (Grade 10)
Sb-Sz (Grade 11)
Pot-Se (Grade 12)
Heather Dodge, Counselor
Counsels students with last names
beginning with
Su-We (Grade 9)
Su-We (Grade 10)
T-W(Grades 11)
Sh-T (Grade 12)

Laura Drummey, Counselor
Counsels students with last names
beginning with
Wh-Z (Grade 9)
Wh-z (Grade 10)
Y-Z (Grade 11)
U-Z(Grade 12)

 antonia dentes. jpg.jpg

Antonia Dentes
Dual Enrollment Program Assistant

Related Links



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How to Make a Schedule Change

Parents do not need to make an appointment with a counselor to get a class changed. In general, schedule changes are not made after the deadline at the end of the school year. If there is a legitimate reason for a schedule change, there is a yellow Schedule Change Request Form that the student should pick up in the Counseling Services Office. When the form is completed and signed, it should be returned to Counseling Services. All schedule changes are subject to class size restrictions. Counselors will see students in the order in which the forms are received if the change is for one of the valid reasons listed on the form. If the change is for another reason, the student will be contacted after all legitimate reasons are dealt with. 

Thank you,
Imani Ladson, Director School Counseling Services

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