College Saturday 

February 25, 2023

9:00am - 1:00pm Walter Johson High School

College Saturday Program

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College Saturday is a half day of a variety of sessions about different parts of the college process:  the latest trends, the application, finding the right school, the financial aspect, virtual and in person visits, gap year, the application process for those with learning differences, different deadlines, and declaring a major. There is also a Post Secondary Opportunity  Fair at which there are admissions reps from colleges/universities and arms of the military.

Please Note: This event is in person and the sessions will not be recorded.





Staying Ahead of the Curve: 

Understanding The Latest Trends In College Admissions

Shelley Levine, Certified Educational Planner, College Bound,

Slide Presentation

How to Optimize the College Visit

Jeff Knox, Founder, Moxie College Counseling,

Slide Presentation

Gap Year

Holly Bull, President/Gap Year Counselor, Center for Interim Programs,

Slide Presentation

Ready set launch!

College Application 101: How to Prepare Now and Showcase Your Wow Factor!

Amy Smith, Power Hour Editing,

Slide Presentation and Follow Up Questions Answered

Finding the Right Fit: The X-Factor in College Admissions

Jordan Kanarek, Director of Counseling, Collegewise,

Slide Presentation

Paying for College and Trade School


Dorothy M. Nuckols, MPH, AFC®, Financial Wellness Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Maryland Extension, Central Maryland,

Slide Presentation

Supporting Students with Learning Differences through the College Process…The Learning Difference Difference


Sue Cook Christakos, Independent Educational Consultant, College Counseling Collaborative,

Slide Presentation and HandOuts

Schedule of Events                                            

Time Event Location
9:00am Doors Open  
9:15-10:00 Keynote: Staying Ahead of the Curve: Understanding the Latest Trends in College Admissions Auditorium
10:00-10:30 College Fair  
10:30-11:30 Breakout Session #1 (sessions repeated) Various Rooms
11:30-12:00 College Fair  
12:00-1:00 Breakout Session #2  Various Rooms


Post Secondary Opportunities Fair


University of Georgia

George Mason University

University of Louisville

American University

Montgomery College

Universities at Shady Grove

US Army



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Shelley Levine, Certified Educational Planner, College Bound,

Topics addressed will be:  how test-optional policies have affected admissions; the impact of technology and AI (Artificial Intelligence); holistic admissions; the growing focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion in admissions practices; and, the increased attention to mental health and well-being. 

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Breakout Sessions 

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How to Optimize the College Visit

Jeff Knox, Founder, Moxie College Counseling,

The campus visit is not just a way to learn more about college options. It’s also a significant tool for admissions strategy. These days, there are a variety of flavors available – including admissions interviews, online sessions, walking tours, college fairs, email communication, and the college’s social media – and a student’s approach can signal to a college their interest in not just applying but enrolling, which can factor into how the admissions office makes its decisions.

Supporting Students with Learning Differences through the College Process…The Learning Difference Difference

Sue Cook Christakos, Independent Educational Consultant, College Counseling Collaborative,

Is my student ready for college?  Can my student “get in” to college?  Will my student “get out” of college with a cap and gown? Where do I even begin to help my student?

The college process has gotten alarmingly complicated and competitive in recent years. For students who learn differently, (those with ADHD, Specific Learning Disabilities, ASD), the process can be overwhelming. However, with thoughtful planning and preparation the process can have a rewarding outcome. In her presentation, Sue Cook Christakos, will be sharing six essential skills for college readiness, and provide some tips on how students can plan and prepare for college. She will also talk about neuropsychological or psycho-educational testing and its role in the process, as well as the different levels of support found on college campuses.  Finally, she will share tips about the application in an effort to help students and parents navigate this process with more easily. 

Gap Year

Holly Bull, President/Gap Year Counselor, Center for Interim Programs, (gap year counseling experts since 1980)

Learn about immediate and long term benefits of taking a gap year, the different types of possible options based on students' interests, important aspects to consider regarding safety, changes during gap time, cost, scholarships, college deferral process, etc.

Ready set launch!
College Application 101: How to Prepare Now and Showcase Your Wow Factor!

 Amy Smith, Power Hour Editing,

Join College Coach Amy Smith for a jam-packed presentation detailing what to expect in the college application and how you can prepare now to succeed! Amy will quickly explain the different application portals (Common/Coalition, UC, UCAS, etc.), detail what information you need to gather and write (background, activity list, main essay, supplements, etc.), and provide tips on how you can make your application stand out. Learn how to make a plan, collect what you need to be ready to apply, and avoid common mistakes and the last-minute crunch. It’s a process with a lot of moving parts, and each college requires unique information, but with a smart roadmap, you can succeed. What’s a “Wow Factor,” and how can you communicate yours in your college application?

Finding the Right Fit: The X-Factor in College Admissions

Jordan Kanarek, Director of Counseling, Collegewise,

Admissions has changed dramatically over the last three years, almost certainly as a direct result of post-pandemic anxiety, continued grade inflation and the almost universal move to test optional admissions policies. What does this mean for your family?  Well, that’s why you are coming to this session! We will focus on three items: why ‘fit’ matters in this new landscape; the massive rise in importance of students showing their emotional intelligence; and the mechanics of testing, course and activities selection and how your chosen major will impact a college’s decision. In addition to our talking about the admissions elements, we will also discuss how each of the above affects how much you end up paying for college.

Paying for College and Trade School

Dorothy M. Nuckols, MPH, AFC®, Financial Wellness Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Maryland Extension, Central Maryland,

Paying for an education can seem overwhelming and confusing. Choices made now can have a lasting impact.  This workshop will walk you through the decision-making process from a financial perspective, and discuss educational paths, student loans, scholarships, and other funding options.  

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