2022-2023 PTSA Meeting Schedule


PTSA meetings are held seven times per year, in the fall and the spring, on the third Tuesday of the month from 7:00-8:00 pm and are open to all parents, students and teachers.  Confirmed meeting dates this year are:
  • September 8 (6:00 pm prior to Back to School Night in the Cafeteria)   
  • October 18 (Volunteer Fair)   
  • May 16

More About Meetings:

PTSA meetings typically include an update from the principal and committee chairs and a discussion of ongoing business.

  • Agenda items for meetings should be sent to the PTSA president a week prior to the meeting so that enough time can be allocated for discussion.
  • Meetings on special topics may be called during the school year if there is enough interest in the topic from the WJ community.
  • Speakers sponsored by the PTSA are held at various times during the year and are organized by the Counseling Advisory Committee (CAC) or the Health and Safety Committee.