WJ Advanced Placement® Information


AP® TESTS May/June

Walter Johnson's Advanced Placement® courses are electives offered to academically motivated students. Not to be confused with the APEX Reach Signature Program, established at WJ in 1996, the AP® program at Walter Johnson is much older. AP® courses are meant to give students an idea of what they will experience in a university class.

The AP Testing Coordinator at WJ is Ms. Gail Samuels. You can reach her via email at Gail Samuels.

Kathy Simmons is the Coordinator for the APEX Reach Signature Program. Information about APEX can be found here.

In May, The College Board sponsors the administration of AP® Exams. Student may take AP® exams regardless of whether they are enrolled in AP® courses. However, exams are rigorous and expensive so students should not enroll for testing unless they are adequately prepared. Walter Johnson has always been extremely proud of the level of performance of our students. AP® score data is reported annualy for WJ students in the WJ Profiles.

An AP® Grade of 3, 4, or 5 generally indicates sufficient mastery of course content to allow exemption from a college course comparable to the AP® course, placement in the succeeding college course, or college credit. Since each college or university determines credit and placement policies, students should contact colleges to ask about their individual AP® policies or check www.collegeboard.com/ap/creditpolicy.

AP® Course Info at WJ

For information about the AP® courses offered at WJ, go to the WJ Course Bulletin Web Pages. Visit the College Board AP® Student page for details about each AP® Course.

AP® Testing - Information & Schedule

Students are required to abide by the policies of both the College Board and Walter Johnson High School during the exam period. Any misconduct will be reported and could jeopardize AP® Exam grades. Students should get a good night's rest before the tests, and eat a nutritious breakfast.

For other information about the AP®s visit the College Board AP® Student Page.

2023 AP® Exam Schedule

Click the above link to see the 2023 AP Exam schedule.