APEX-Reach Scholars Program
Application Timeline

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4 Year Planning | All About APEX Slideshow | The APEX Brochure |
The Profile of APEX Scholars

Applying to APEX-Reach: Application Timeline | Online Application |

Application Schedule for the 2022-2023 Academic Year



December 1, 2022


7 PM










APEX-Reach Scholars Applicant Information Nights, 7:00 PM

in the Walter Johnson High School Auditorium



The Application for APEX Reach will open on
December 2, 2022, AFTER the second
informational meeting.






January 20, 2023

APEX-Reach Application-Part 1 Online Submission Deadline

February 24, 2023

Results of Program Screening emailed

March 17, 2023

Deadline for student/parent acceptance of APEX program enrollment


Core APEX Reach Classes

9th grade - APEX Reach AP Government, APEX Reach Honors Biology, APEX Reach Honors English
10th grade - APEX Reach AP United States History, APEX Reach Honors English
11th grade - APEX Reach AP Language (English class), APEX Reach AP World History
12th grade - APEX Reach AP Literature (English class)

APEX Reach Pathways

Students choose a pathway by their 10th-grade year and include advanced courses in the following
Fine Arts, Math, Music, Science, Social Studies, World Languages, General Education

More details on these pathways will be provided during the informational meetings and can also be
found on the Walter Johnson website under APEX Reach Pathways.