APEX-Reach Scholars Program Information

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The Profile of APEX Scholars 

Application Timeline 



 APEX-Reach Program - Setting and Philosophy

The APEX-Reach program is designed as a four year course of study through which students follow a comprehensive curriculum combining accelerated honors level and intensive advanced placement level course work. The course of study provides students with a broad, general background in many academic areas at levels appropriate to highly academically gifted and motivated learners. In addition, students will chose an interested based academic pathway and complete rigorous course work in that area to complete the APEX-Reach program.


The program setting includes a combination of both heterogeneously and homogeneously grouped classes integrated within the whole school. After a ninth grade program designed to offer structured support and skill refinement, the course of study is specifically designed to allow individual choices for APEX-Reach Scholars, affording them the flexibility to pursue individual educational goals during their 10th through 12th grade years. APEX-Reach Scholars are an integral part of Walter Johnson High School, not members of a school within a school.                                                                                                                                                                                                   ^top

The Course of Study

Initially, students are cohort in three APEX-Reach courses in order to facilitate cross-disciplinary learning experiences, nurture academic growth, build self-confidence, provide unique experiences, and prepare students for advanced placement course work. APEX-Reach Scholars are expected to complete a well-rounded educational program.

  • The freshman year is reserved for honors, and APEX-Reach level courses and one AP® course (APEX/AP U.S. Government and Politics). APEX-Reach Scholars are required to maintain a 3.5 or higher weighted GPA.

  • In the sophomore year, students are expected to complete at least two, Advanced Placement® courses. APEX-Reach Scholars are required to maintain a 3.5 or higher weighted GPA.

  • In the junior year of the program, students are expected to complete at least three Advanced Placement® courses. APEX-Reach Scholars are required to maintain a 3.5 or higher weighted GPA.

  • By the end of the senior year, students should have completed successfully at least nine Advanced Placement® courses with a score of three or higher on at least 6 AP exams. APEX-Reach Scholars are required to maintain a 3.5 or higher weighted GPA..

  • The eight core APEX courses in sequence are:

    • APEX-Reach Biology

    • APEX-Reach/AP U.S. Government & Politics

    • APEX-Reach English 9

    • APEX-Reach/AP US History

    • APEX-Reach English 10

    • APEX-Reach/AP World History

    • APEX-Reach/AP Language

    • APEX-Reach/AP Literature  


Admission Process

Application to the APEX-Reach Scholars Program may be initiated by a student or a parent. Teachers should encourage students to apply whom they feel meet the requirements and would benefit from this program. The selection process begins for each student when the completed application is received. The application timeline for submission is available on the Walter Johnson website.

Admission Information and Requirements

Each applicant is responsible for submitting a complete and accurate online application by the announced deadlines. The application must contain:

  • Part 1 of the application includes: demographic information, home middle school, and area of academic interest.

  • Official Report Cards for the applicant's course work in grades 7 and 8 (these will be supplied by the current school's counseling department). Applicants must have earned a grade point average of 3.5 or higher for seventh grade and first marking period of eighth grade.

  • The APEX-Reach Program is only for students in the Walter Johnson Cluster, if you live outside of the WJ Cluster you are not eligible for the program.


The Walter Johnson APEX-Reach committee reviews the submitted applications and evaluates applicants' performance and readiness for the program in a holistic manner.

Applicants will receive one of the following letters from the APEX-Reach committee:

  • full acceptance to the APEX-Reach Scholars Program;

  • not accepted, with a deadline for the submission of appeal.


Applicants have a period of ten school days from the date of the decision letter to return either a letter of commitment to enter the program, or a letter of appeal of the committee decision.


Course Selection

Careful planning and selection of courses in the lower grades is important to meeting the prerequisites for optional Advanced Placement® courses in the upper grades.

In all cases, when a student elects to take an Advanced Placement® course, the student is also expected to pay for and take the corresponding Advanced Placement® test from the College Board.

Should a student, with appropriate counseling, decide that the APEX-Reach Scholars Program no longer meets his/her personal goals, the student may enter the honors level program.


Program Rewards

APEX-Reach Scholar

The designation of APEX-Reach Scholar will be awarded at graduation to any student in the program who has maintained a 3.5 weighted GPA. and has completed nine AP courses successfully and earned a three in at least six AP exams.  The APEX Scholar designation and an explanation of its significance is included with transcripts sent from WJ.

 College Board AP® Scholar

APEX-Reach Scholars will also be recognized as AP® Scholars through the College Board provided their AP® test scores meet College Board criteria.


Benefits enjoyed by APEX-Reach Scholars

  • Joining a cohort of gifted students in an intellectually stimulating program within the student's own community, which offers the flexibility to pursue individual educational goals.

  • Specialized support and preparation for successful completion of Advanced Placement® course work.

  • Opportunity to earn college credit, which can be applied in the United States and abroad, while in high school.

  • The potential to enter college with sophomore status.

  • Opportunities for extended, cross disciplinary learning experiences.

  • Formal recognition by the College Board in the AP® Scholar Program.

  • An accelerated program especially designed for highly gifted, able, motivated learners.


