WJ Security - Room 137

Anthony Williams

Security Team Leader
240-740-6844 | Security

Security Links: Security Home | Student Drop-off/Pick-up |
 Student Parking | Tips/Info

The WJ Security Office promotes a safe and secure environment for WJ students and staff.


Jimmy Etheridge
Security Assistant
Email: Jimmy Etheridge
Ron Joyner
Security Assistant
Email: Ron Joyner

Kelly McDonnell
Security Assistant
Email: Kelly McDonnell
Matthew Shipe
Security Assistant
Email: Matthew Shipe

Marlene Smith
Security Assistant
Email: Marlene_Smith

Deondre Jolley
Security Assistant
Email: Deondre Jolley


WJ Lost & Found

The Security Office maintains a "Lost & Found" for students.

Found items may be turned in to security before school, during lunch or after school. Found items are retained by security for sixty (60) days. After sixty days, items are donated to a local charity.

If you have lost something, please report it to security in Room 137.

WJ Security - Tips & Information


Parking Lot

  • Make sure your vehicle is locked.
  • DO NOT leave valuables in plain view in your vehicle. Store valuable items out of sight in the trunk, glove compartment or console.

In School

  • Keep your belongings with you at all times or store them in your locker.
  • If your PE locker is too small for your backpack use a smaller bag to store you wallet, purse, cell phone, etc. in your PE locker.
  • Keep a record at home of the serial numbers for all of your electronic devices.
  • Label your belongings with your name or some other identifier.

Lost or stolen items should be reported to security immediately. The security office is located in Room 137.



Student ID Cards

  • Students are issued an ID card when student photo are taken (by Lifetouch) at the start of each year.
  • Replacement ID cards can be obtained from Security. There is a $5 fee for a replacement ID card.

The best time to visit Security for ID issues is at the very start of the lunch period.


  • Students in grade 9 are issued a locker with a lock during home room the first day of school. Any other students wishing to sign up for a locker should come to security the first week of school.

The best time to visit Security for locker issues is at the very start of the lunch period.