School Policies
General School Rules and Regulations
Student Drop Off, Kiss and Go - We have a designated car loop for students arriving by car. The entrance to the car loop is located at the main door. It's a one-way loop. Adults and patrols will be on duty to assist students during arrival and dismissal times. Please note the following:
- There will be no parking in either school driveway during the hours of 8:15 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. on school days.
- Cars entering the driveway only stop so that a child can disembark. Please have all materials ready so that your child can exit the car swiftly. Please do not get out of your car; it slows the flow of traffic.
- The parking lot in front of the school can be used for parking if you need to walk your child to morning lineup. Or, you can park in the areas surrounding the school that are designated for parking. Read the signs carefully.
- Children walking to school may enter the bus loop door, the Kiss & Go door.
Student Safety - Children are not to cross the parking lot, the Kiss & Go driveway or the bus loop driveway, even with parents, during arrival and dismissal times. Please use the crosswalk.
Lateness - If a student arrives at school after the second bell (9:05), they must first report to the office and obtain a late slip, before proceeding to class.
Absence - YOu can report and absence using the link on the Wood Acres homepage "Report an Absence" at anytime. Upon returning to school the student must bring a signed dated note from a parent explaining the cause of the absence. A parent desiring homework for a child who is absent for an extended period is requested to contact the classroom teacher and check there web site or parent portal.
Leaving school during the day - If leaving school during the school day (i.e. Doctor's apt.), a note should be sent to school in advance. Please report to the office to pick up your child, NOT TO THE CLASSROOM.
Change of dismissal plans - If a student's regular dismissal plans are to be changed (i.e. playdates, change of bus or school pickup instead of bussing), the "guest" student must bring a note signed by their parent to school explaining the change.
Classroom Interruptions - Classes should be interrupted only in case of emergency. If your child has forgotten something, bring it to the office, labelled with the child's name , grade and teacher.We will place it on the drop off/pick up table located in the bus loop/Media Center hallway. Please discuss this with your child ahead of time so they know where to pick up forgotten lunches, homework or musical instruments.
School Closings & Late Openings - Please listen to your local TV or Radio station to hear information concerning early closings or late openings due to inclement weather. You can also access this information by clicking the Emergency Closings link on this web page. PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE OFFICE. You can also call the MCPS 24-hour information recording at 301-279-3673. Discuss any changes in dismissal plans in advance with your children.
Prescription/Nonprescription Drugs -Staff members of the Montgomery County Health Department and Montgomery County Public Schools are prohibited from providing or administering any prescription or nonprescription drugs to an MCPS pupil except as authorized in writing on the appropriate form by a parent or guardian in accordance with MCPS procedure. DO NOT SEND ANY MEDICATIONS TO SCHOOL IN YOUR CHILD'S POSSESSION