French Honors Society

The Wootton High School chapter of the French Honor Society encompasses a select group of advanced level French students who demonstrate exceptional scholarship in the study of French language and culture. Membership in this organization is contingent on outstanding academic performance and dedication to French studies both inside the classroom and out.
Throughout the academic year, students partake in various fundraisers that serve the local and global community. Most notably, profits from these fundraisers are donated to Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders), a humanitarian organization that provides medical assistance to underprivileged countries. In the 2010-2011 year alone, FHS raised hundreds of dollars for this organization.
As members of FHS, students also enrich their understanding of French culture during the school year and outside of class by dining in French restaurants, viewing films, attending French culinary lessons and visiting local art museums. In addition, seniors have the opportunity to serve as aides or interns, working with students in lower levels and assisting the French department and FHS with activities.
Sponsor: Christina Maas
Presidents: Ornella Bayigamba and Kayla Smith