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Comprehensive Health Education in Grade 3

Safety and Injury Prevention


Maryland State Curriculum Content Standard 5:  Students will demonstrate the ability to apply prevention and intervention knowledge, skills, and processes to promote safe living in the home, school, and community.

Performance Indicators

A. Responding to Emergencies 
 5.3.A.1  Demonstrate the ability to respond appropriately to emergency situations.  


Identify different emergency situations.  


Demonstrate basic first aid for small cuts and scrapes, blisters, mild burns, choking, sunburn, and nosebleeds. 
 5.3.A.2.  Demonstrate the ability to access emergency services. 


Categorize procedures for reporting an emergency, such as telephone 911 and/or contact an adult.
5.3.A.3.  Demonstrate the ability to respond appropriately to situations that do not require emergency services.  


Plan what to do in situations not requiring the use of emergency services, for example locked out of house, transportation issues, missed bus, parents not showing, or others. 

C. Harassment 
5.3.C.1.  Identify teasing and bullying as harassment and their effects on the individual.  


Differentiate between teasing and bullying.


Recognize examples of teasing and bullying, such as isolation, name calling and other verbal assaults, and pushing and other physical assaults.


Examine the effects of teasing and bullying from the perspective of the bully and the bullied.
5.3.C.2.  Describe and demonstrate the difference between telling and tattling.  


Create role play situations for telling and tattling.