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Comprehensive Health Education in Grade 5

Comprehensive health education standards and performance indicators are integrated throughout the elementary school experience. Grade 5 teachers implement a variety of health education learning activities to promote and practice wellness skills and strategies.

Key Concepts

  • Mental and emotional health—investigate verbal and non-verbal methods of communication; demonstrate healthy ways to communicate needs, wants, emotions, opinions, and information; components of personal well-being; apply the decision-making process; recognize the principals of stress management
  • Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs—discuss safely using prescription and over-the-counter drugs; practice skills to resist using tobacco, alcohol, psychoactive drugs, and peer pressure; examine physical, psychological, and social consequences of using alcohol, marijuana, and psychoactive drugs
  • Personal and consumer health—locate and use valid health resources; identify and practice health-enhancing behaviors  
  • Family life and human sexuality—explain how family and peer relationships change during puberty (physical, psychological, socio-emotional); analyze physical and social-emotional growth and maturity
  • Safety and injury prevention—identify abuse and effects of inhaling household products; recognize sexual harassment
  • Nutrition and fitness—explain the relationship among food intake, physical activity, and weight management; factors that affect eating habits and body image; apply information from
  • Disease prevention and control—identify disease-producing agents; explain modes of disease transmission; describe immune system response to disease; list modes of transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS; analyze healthy daily living habits and choices to reduce the risk of disease