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Recycling and Waste Reduction

Food Recovery 


According to the nonprofit Feeding America, Montgomery County was projected to have a child food insecurity rate of 20 percent in 2020. The survey data contained in Hunger Report 2023 by the Capital Area Food Bank reveal the multiple, often compounding factors that have driven food insecurity to remain at staggeringly high levels across the region.

Food sharing tables in schools allow our students to take action to resolve food insecurity.  Is your school interested in starting a food recovery program?  

Review Food Sharing and Composting Guidelines and contact Mr. John Meyer,  MCPS recycling program manager, for implementation process.


What Can Be Recycled at MCPS?

Paper Recycling Image

Half the battle to improve recycling performance is knowing what can and cannot be recycled!  MCPS recycles more than 20 different items and the list continues to grow.  Click on the links below to find out what must be recycled and everything else that can be recycled on a voluntary basis.


Waste Reduction

Recycling and reusing materials reduces the need for raw materials and the amount of energy needed for manufacturing new products. (Source: Montgomery County Office of Energy & Sustainability).  

In 2020, MCPS diverted 85 percent of the total waste.  Click on this link to read the 2020 Annual Recycling and Waste Reduction Report submitted to the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection.

Solid Waste Report:  2023

Yard Waste Report:  2023

Annual Recycling and Waste Reduction Report:  2021

Need Recycling Supplies?

 Centralized Station 

Need bins, lids, labels, posters and more to improve your school's recycling performance?  It's simple, click here to place an order.

Recycling Service Schedule

Truck & Dumpster

To find out when your school's recycling dumpsters will be serviced, click here.

For additional recycling services or missed pick-ups, please call 240-740-3210 or email:

Recycling Data

Recycling data Icon

Do you want to know how well your school is recycling and view the performance of other schools? Each school's monthly paper and cardboard, and commingled items are tracked and published here.


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