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Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

About the IAQ Team

The Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) team within the Division of Sustainability and Compliance (DSC) focuses on identifying and resolving IAQ concerns reported by school staff and students. A combination of more than 60 years experience in IAQ investigations and access to skilled trades workers within the Division of Maintenance and Operations means that sources of problems are quickly found and resolved so that good IAQ is restored and maintained. MCPS employees or parents can submit IAQ-related complaints for any school, office, or support facility using the IAQ Complaint Form. Once the complaint is investigated, a response plan is developed, which may tap into resources from DMO, DSC, or on-call contractors. In addition to conducting investigations, The IAQ team conducts annual monitoring of schools considered to be at high risk for elevated indoor humidity and associated mold growth. This program usually runs from May through October and uses wireless temperature/humidity sensors that provide notifications of potential indoor humidity problems. Suspect problems are investigated, and a response plan usually involves groups across the Office of Facilities Management (OFM).

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IAQ Recommendations




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