All MCPS schools already have an “Organizational Membership” with Bookshare.
Sponsors are teachers who download books for students. Teachers use their unique login and password.
Members are eligible students who need to access books with text to speech. In MCPS, most students use Read&Write for Google as their text to speech tool.
In this teacher-guided option, you will provide students with a username and password when you add them as members. We recommend using their MCPS userid and password for consistency.
See Bookshare's How to Guide: Add Sponsors and Members (pdf).
Log into bookshare and click on My Bookshare.
In the left navigation bar, choose My Reading Lists.
Select the create button to create a new list.
Check the box next to the students you want to have access to that list.
Click the Add Selected Members button at the bottom of the page.
See Bookshare's eligibility .
Make sure students know how to
Log in to in the Chrome Browser
Click on Reading Lists
Click on the name of the Reading List you created for them
Click the Read Now button next to the book they want to read
Wait for the Book to display in the browser
Use the Settings button to adjust font size, background color, and voice options
Click the Play button to listen from the top of the screen.
If they want to start from a different portion of the text, they should scroll so that it is at the top of the screen and then click Play.
Provide equal access to complex text by adding any books being used in the classroom to your students' reading list in Bookshare.
Provide direct instruction on how to use Bookshare Web Reader to support reading comprehension and learning.
Provide options for students to reflect on how reading tools and strategies are working for them.