Following these guidelines will ensure the successful completion of your move. Contact the DMM Warehouse if you have further questions or concerns. Communication is key!
Begin NOW to review storerooms and remove unnecessary items.
Vertical File Cabinets DO NOT have to be emptied.
Lateral File Cabinets must be emptied.
If you do NOT have file cabinet keys... put masking tape around the lock to prevent accidental locking of the unit.
If you are returning to a modernized facility from a holding facility your files will be transferred to new file cabinets upon your arrival.
Office desks must be emptied and contents packed.
Bookcases must be emptied and contents packed.
Box all materials and label the SIDE (not top) of each box with staff name.
Tag all equipment with staff name.
**Do NOT use box labels on furniture or equipment! They don't peel off!**
Tape, boxes and box labels are available upon request.
Copiers must be serviced for a move. BCE will move them. We will coordinate the timing of the move with the vendor.
Wrap cords and assign a system number to each computer and all equipment belonging to each system (i.e. monitor, hard drive, printer, etc.)
Vending machines (not MCPS owned) must be moved by company.
Staff members should move their own personal items. We will move any remaining personal items, but we can NOT be responsible for them.
The media collection will be moved on carts... DO NOT PACK!
The Division of Maintenance will assist you with the disconnection of any furniture and/or equipment as needed for relocation.