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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about MCPS Blended Learning Courses

Registration | General Info

Enrollment and Registration

Students are eligible to take Honors Health Education after completing Grade 8. Students currently in Grade 8 are eligible to register for the summer course when registration opens for summer courses.

Students are eligible to take Foundations of Engineering and Technology A/B and Foundations of Computer Science A/B after completing Grade 8. Students currently in Grade 8 are eligible to register for the summer course when registration opens for summer courses.

Yes, a student can enroll for Semester A and/or B. However, Semester A must be taken and completed (either the in-school or online version) before taking Semester B.

General information about enrollment is available on the "Courses" page. Detailed information about the course registration process is available on the "Registration" page.

General Course Info

Online courses use the same curriculum and learning outcomes as the courses taught in school buildings. They are designed to take advantage of the online format. Students who are most successful with online courses have good time management skills and are self-motivated.

The same grading and credit policies apply to online courses as to traditional courses offered in classrooms.

All classes are taught by highly qualified teachers who have been trained to teach in an online environment. MCPS online courses are taught by MCPS teachers, and online AP courses are taught by teachers hired by MCPS-approved vendors.

Yes, attendance is mandatory. Students may not receive credit if they are unable to attend all of the scheduled classes. If a student's schedule will not allow them to attend all of the scheduled classes, the student should not enroll in the course.

No, students must attend the scheduled synchronous classes for the section in which they are enrolled. We are unable to make arrangements for students to attend synchronous classes for other class sections. (See previous FAQ.)

The exact agenda depends on the course and the class date, but important content is covered in each class. Examples of activities in synchronous classes include:

  • Discussing course requirements and processes
  • Introducing the online environment
  • Assessments
  • Organizing group projects
  • Covering key curriculum concepts
  • Creating hands-on projects

The amount of time spent on each course will vary by student.

Students are not required to be online at specific times, but all deadlines are expected to be met. There are no common times that all students need to be online.

Students may complete the online portion of the course wherever they can obtain a secure and reliable internet connection. This could be at home, the local library, or a relative's house out of state or out of the country.

There are opportunities for a student to work ahead. If you want to complete work in advance of the class schedule, communicate with your teacher to develop a plan.

Instructors will have "office hours" when they can be reached online or by phone.

No, your online course grade will not appear on a report card. Check your transcript a few weeks after the class ends to verify that your grade has been placed on your transcript. If the grade is not recorded, immediately contact the Student Online Learning office.