Summer RISE provides students with a career-based opportunity to engage in hands-on learning related to their field of interest.
Summer RISE is a five week/50-hour summer program for rising MCPS juniors and senior that are in-person, virtual or a combination of the two experiences.
Students must be available every weekday from June 24 to July 26, 2024.
June 24 - July 26
July 26
The Montgomery County Public Schools Department of Partnerships rebranded and updated the Summer RISE logo and meaning of R.I.S.E. in 2021. Current and previous Summer RISE students were eligible to submit entries to design a new logo for Summer RISE and/or capture the true meaning behind their Summer RISE experience by defining the acronym “R.I.S.E.”
by Ashley Sludd
Each Summer RISE experience is unique, just as every student participating is unique in what they want to get out of the program. Rising MCPS juniors and seniors are able to gain experience in a career field of their choosing, and can see the daily tasks that occur. Summer RISE truly can be catered towards each student, and will leave a lasting impact on all of those who participate, both the hosts and students. It is so much more than a “job,” or “internship,” but rather an experience that will enable students to thrive inside and outside of the workplace.
by Kaitlyn Chuang
This logo combines the following elements:
All of which symbolizes the Summer RISE Program as an opportunity for students to grow, become a better version of themselves, and meet new people.
The sun rising out from behind the mountain is inspired by the name itself, “Summer RISE." The mountain is a representation of the obstacles we all must overcome on our path to success. It also consists of an arrow pointing upwards, which conveys the idea of growth and “reaching new heights.” The arrow is then broken up into two bent lines, which together, symbolizes two people shaking or holding hands. This goes back to the idea that Summer RISE is a great way for students to meet new people in areas they’re interested in. Finally, the graduation cap on the sun not only informs that this is an opportunity for students, but it also creates the analogy that students are the ones rising up and bringing light into this world.